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Alpha Nu Zeta (ANZ) is the national honor society of A Moment of Magic.

ANZ nominees are elected for their intellectual achievement and service work through A Moment of Magic. Alpha Nu Zeta represents all of the service these students have achieved and their continued commitment to service in the future.

Members of ANZ pledge to live out the ideals of A Moment of Magic --Believing in the worth and dignity of each human being,  recognize the supreme importance of the pursuit of truth, devotion to excellence, and commitment to social responsibility. Members vow to uphold the cultural, intellectual, and moral standards that reflect the ideals and principles set forth. Members vow to understand the bonds that tie us all together, to each other and those we meet along our journey. Members vow to continue to uphold what it means to be brave, strong and fearless.

Students inducted into ANZ wear purple and gold stoles upon their graduation.

To apply for ANZ, please click here.

alpha nu zeta

honor society

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