How do I become a
magic maker?
Fill Out An Interest Form
Attend an Interest Meeting
Fill Out Forms
Pay Dues
Join our Slack group
Start Going on Visits and Making Magic
**Dates and times for interest meetings will be emailed to you after filling out an interest form and can be found on the Instagram**

How do I become a character?
1. Fill out the character interest form
Volunteer as a Magic Maker
2. Fundraise for your costume
3. Go on your required number of visits (2 in-person, 2 virtual, and 1 of choice, totaling to 5 visits)
4. Audition
5. Get "Coronated" !
Meet Our Executive Board!

When Can I Join?
You can join any time! We are always looking for new members and we would love to have y. Message us on Instagram or send us an email and we will help you join! Anyone and everyone is welcome!
Do I get to pick my character?
You get to put down 3 character preferences on your audition sheet, but you are not guaranteed to get one of your preferences. Nationals will cast you based on your audition and preferences. Everyone gets cast!
What is the time commitment?
We have training once a week through a general body meeting, and characters should go on at least 1 visit a month
When are your meetings/trainings?
Typically our meetings/trainings are on Tuesdays at 7pm, but that could change depending on members' availability!
Do I need to be vaccinated?
Yes! You must be vaccinated to go on visits in order to best protect the children we are serving. You must also be okay with wearing a mask when asked.
Do I have to have acting or singing experience to be cast as any character?
Nope! You don't have to have any acting or singing experience. Everyone who auditions to be a character will get one if they complete the necessary requirements.
Can I be any race and gender to be a character?
Absolutely! Nationals has a wide variety of characters of all different races and genders that you could be cast as. There is definitely a character for you no matter what your gender or sexuality!