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Training List


AMoM Field Trip! (A Bonding Event)

Get to know one another on a new level


AMoM Professionalism

How/when to communicate via email
How/when to communicate via instant message
How when to communicate via call and/or meeting
How to communicate with executives/nationals
how to communicate with each other


AMoM Volunteer Opportunities

Various ways to volunteer
Ways to get involved
Ways to stay involved in AMoM


AMoM at your School 

Networking skills for connecting with other members on your campus
Tips for member retention
Ways to bring your club to your campus through events


Advanced Character Training

Advanced Characterization
Tips to improve areas of struggle.
activities to give them a more individualized approach


Advanced Hygiene

A review of basic hygiene tips
How to prepare their hygiene for high risk visits


Advanced Magic Maker Training

Basic review of magic maker skills
How to be assertively friendly
How to navigate difficult scenarios from the Magic Maker perspective


Basic Character Training

The basics of becoming a character
What a CIT is
The basics of characterization
How to act as a character on a visit.


Basic Magic Maker Training

What a Magic Maker is
Types of Magic Makers
Magic Maker Expectations and Best Practices


Basic Visit Training

The basic steps to prepare for a visit.
The basics of visit etiquette.
The Basics of what AMoM visits are and how they work


Catch Up Week

Use this time to catch up on any chapter goals


Chapters to Nationals: How we all work together 

How nationals works with chapters
How chapters work with nationals
How chapters work together


Character Evaluations

Learn where they are in their characterization
How to improve their character integrity


Costume Training For MM

Assist characters with preparing for visits
Understand the basics of character costuming
Navigate a costume malfunction


Costuming Training

How to take measurements
How to check costumes in and out.
The basics of costume care and wear.
The basics of character make-up


DEI Training


Different Types Of Visits and Children we work with

The basics about the various visits AMoM offers
The basics about the various children we Serve


Fundraising 201

Why we fundraise
Different methods to fundraise and how they’re most effective
Information regarding larger scale fundraising
Fundraising tips to help their chapter bring in more funds


Intro to AMoM 

Understand the history of A Moment of Magic
Understand A Moment of Magic’s mission, standards, values, and services
Understand the impact A Moment of Magic has on those we service
Understand the Structure and Policies of A Moment of Magic
Review and sign agreements


Language Training

Basic phrases to use of the languages that most reflect their community
How to provide quality interactions with children and families despite language barriers


Mock Visit Training 

Practical applications on how to prepare for an AMoM Visit
Practical applications on how to go on an AMoM Visit
Practical applications on how to debrief an AMoM Visit


Pediatric Cancer Training

What pediatric cancer is and basic facts, figures, and statistics regarding pediatric cancer
A Moment of Magic’s relationship with the pediatric cancer community
What is means to be an advocate
How to be a better advocate


Practicing Mental health in Regards to AMoM 

About the various emotional traumas we may face in this work
How to develop higher emotional intelligence
How to communicate mental/emotional needs
How to respond to others communicating mental/emotional needs
Tips to balance school and club



Learn about their year/semester in review
Learn how their chapter has grown
Create a space where people can give and receive productive feedback
Create a space where volunteers can share experiences and receive resources to support them


Scenario based Training

Different types of commonly encountered challenges
Various ways to respond to various scenarios one might encounter on a visit
How to strengthen teamwork and collaboration in order to problem solve


The Basics Reviewed

Understand the history of A Moment of Magic
Understand the services A Moment of Magic offers
Understand the impact A Moment of Magic has on those we service
Understand the values of A Moment of Magic
Have a better grasp of A Moment of Magic’s volunteer standards and professional communication
Be able to effectively communicate A Moment of Magic’s mission, standards, values, and services


Workshop Week

Use this time to engage in a workshop that would best meet your chapter’s needs

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A Moment of Magic is a 501(c)(3) under federal tax guidelines.
EIN: 81-1740360

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